You can cancel your subscription at any time. To do this, log in to the platform, click on your profile at the top right, and select 'Manage subscription'. Then, click 'Cancel plan'. Your plan will be canceled but will remain available until the end of your billing period.Once you log in to the platform, click on your profile at the top right, and select 'Manage subscription'. From there, you can update your payment details or download a receipt.Images created by free users are owned by Recraft. They are public (visible in the community gallery) and cannot be used commercially. To own your creations, keep them private, and use them commercially, upgrade to a paid plan. Read more about ownership and commercial usage here Without a subscription, images are owned by Recraft, and stock websites usually require ownership to sell images.We accept credit and debit cards as well as Google Pay.No, images created during your paid subscription remain private even after the subscription ends.