ReCoding Club

Recraft.AI is a London-based startup focused on creating amazing AI tools for designers.

Many of our engineers are ICPC alumni and enjoy programming contests so much that we decided to launch our own series of training sessions. Expect challenging problem sets, discussions with ICPC world finalists and champions and all-in-all enjoyable times together. The club is a part of UKIEPC Local clubs.

Our training sessions focus on algorithms, data structures and their applications in practical problem solving.

Sign up to be informed of the upcoming training sessions and contests or contact us at [email protected]

Location: LABS Atrium, Stables Market, Chalk Farm Rd, London, NW1 8AH

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Upcoming sessions

We meet on Saturdays, a session generally starts at 12 PM and ends around 4 PM.

During the session, participants get a problem set. We discuss theoretical the necessary material before going into individual or team-based problem-solving. Our coaches are available to help with any challenges and discuss solutions that prove to be the most difficult or interesting to the group.

There's usually a pizza break in the middle of the session to help everyone keep their strengths :)



January, 25th
Dynamic programming 1

Introduction to DP: a problem-solving technique that breaks down complex problems into smaller, overlapping subproblems.
February, 1st
Dynamic programming 2

Applications of DP, solving various one- and two-dimensional problems.
February, 8th
Dynamic programming 3

Knapsack problem; Solving more problems to improve understanding of DP.
February, 15th
Dynamic programming 4

Diving into advanced dp topics.
February, 22nd
Graphs 1

Introduction to graphs and basic graph algorithms
March, 1st
Graphs 2

March, 8th
Graphs 3

March, 15th
Graphs 4

March, 22nd

Past sessions


September 14th, 2024
September 21st, 2024

October 5th, 2024

October 19th, 2024

November, 2nd

November, 9th

November, 16th

November, 23d

November, 30th

December, 7th
Recraft Mini Cup
Training session

Training session


Lecture + contest

Training session

Lecture + contest

Training session

Lecture + contest

Training session
Getting ready for UKIEPC

Getting ready for UKIEPC

Host: Ivan Safonov, ICPC World Finals gold medalist.
Topic: Segment Trees. The lecture and contest will be about basic data structure for efficient segment queries - Segment Tree. No initial knowledge is needed, we will start with Prefix Sums, and will continue with Segment Tree and its basic and possibly some advanced features.

Contest + problem discussion

Host: Andrei Lopatin, two-time ICPC World Champion and former CEO of Telegram.
Topic: Computational compinatorics

Contest + problem discussion

Host: Pavel Smirnov, two times ICPC World finalist
Topic: Intro to geometry

Host: Pavel Smirnov, two times ICPC World finalist
Topic: Geometry problem-solving