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Trusted by brands and creators

Trusted by brands and creators

Generate a mockup in seconds

See how your designs render on t-shirts, iPhones, printables and more. Recraft's mockup generator lets you create unlimited mockups to display on any surface or platform. You can even export your design across mockup bases!

Customize your designs with powerful AI tools

Recraft's AI mockup generator comes with a full set of AI design tools. You can edit designs right on the mockup template. Boost image quality in one click with the AI upscaler. Fine-tune your AI images with a detail slider. Use the AI eraser and other AI design tools to work with control and precision.

How to create a mockup with Recraft

Showcasing your brand with professional mockups has never been easier. With Recraft's AI mockup generator, anyone can create stunning designs with a personalized logo and custom color palette—no design experience needed! Here's how in just four steps:
Select the mockup tool.
Click ‘Mockup’ from the project panel or the ‘New mockup’ tool in the toolbar. Then click anywhere on the canvas.
Generate a mockup template.
Describe the base you want to see your mockup design on and hit Recraft. Your mockup template appears with a blank design layer on top.
Create or drop in a design.
Type a prompt to generate an AI image, upload a design and drop it onto your mockup or click any image in the gallery to add it to your mockup.
Edit and export as hi-res PNG.
Edit your mockup design directly on the template. You can export it as PNG, see how it works in your project and come back to iterate more.

What can you use a mockup tool for?

Mockup generators show you exactly what your designs will look like in the real world. Create mockups for clothing, branding kits, mug and tote bag designs or digital device displays.

What users are saying about Recraft AI mockup generator

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